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I'm the Queen of the Click..Brooklynite taking over the world from her computer. MCSE, Martha Stewart Wanna Be.

September 16, 2017

Why Hasn’t the Brooklyn Conservative Party Told Us About the Upcoming Candidate Switch-a-Roo?


Today, Mike Long of the Brooklyn Conservative Party Leader was featured in The Brooklyn Eagle. He wanted urge residents to turn over the ballot to see the statewide ballot propositions listed on the back of the ballot. Sounds nice, right?  Not really, because Long didn’t mention the topic everyone in Bay Ridge is talking about – the Conservative Party Candidate Switch-a-Roo or “Placeholder Candidate.” 


Mike Long urged Brooklyn residents to vote against the Constitutional Convention, but should residents listen to a party leader who has a “placeholder candidate” on their party line?  Why did the writer, Paula Katinas fail to address the question of the Placeholder Candidate with the Conservative Party when it’s already been brought up by another paper? Is Katinas trying to keep Bay Ridge in the dark about local politics with press release articles?


The Conservative Party endorsed John Bruno for City Councilman, a candidate that no one has seen or heard from during this election season. If he was a serious candidate for the position, we would have seen him at one of the debates.  Bruno has been referred to as  “the placeholder candidate.” Strangely, Jerry Kassar was not able to put a newspaper reporter in contact with Mr. Bruno.  


In the last election, the Brooklyn Conservative Party supported John Quaglione. Residents thought Kassar and the Conservative Party were supporting McCabe because of McCabe’s close ties with the Conservative Party. Were the party leaders resentful that McCabe became a Republican last Fall?  If Liam McCabe received the Conservative Party endorsement, would he have won the primary election?   


Currently, John Bruno is an attorney. Somehow Mr. Bruno is supposed to become a judge. Why would New York want a person whose acting as a placeholder in our election become a judge? It doesn’t sound like a fair person.  We are not even sure how this is legal because it smells like corruption to us.  Kassar told the Courier, “[Bruno] has to take an interest in running for judge, which he has not expressed.”  Really? So why have people been discussing this on the Third Avenue in Bay Ridge since July, even though no one knows who Bruno is? 


Everyone in Bay Ridge has been talking about this Switch-a-Roo for months?  John Quaglione is aware of the plan as he told The Courier, “the winner at the primary, winner of the Republican primary is going to get the Conservative line. They put a placeholder in.”  Bob Capano, Quaglione’s thanked Quaglione for running an honorable race. But Bob Capano may have been duped by the “Placeholder Candidate plan”? 


We think the Board of Elections should shut down the Conservative Party line for this election since it doesn’t make for a free and fair election when some are trying to control the election.  If Quaglione slips into the Conservative slot, people will have to decide: Is this a corrupt election supported by politicians playing politics in our community? 



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