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I'm the Queen of the Click..Brooklynite taking over the world from her computer. MCSE, Martha Stewart Wanna Be.

July 8, 2011

Gross Meal Makes my Man Happy

I grew up in what is considered a large family. At the time, I didn’t think it was large because everyone I knew had the same amount of people in their home.

My mother wasn’t a good cook. She was good at many things, but she didn’t enjoy cooking. Maybe I won’t enjoy cooking after I am a mother for 20+ years and have to cook every night too. But for now I enjoy cooking. Lee is a former chef and a much better cook than I am. He cooks everything easily and can make the food fly in the air while it’s cooking. He washes the pots as he uses them and everything is clean when the meal is ready to serve.

I like to try new recipes and recreate the dishes on television shows. Some take many hours, but I don’t care. Everyone thinks I am a good cook and people like coming over for dinner.

Lee likes most of the meals I prepare. Yet, on the nights when I rush and make something that my Mom made many years ago, Lee LOVES those meals. My Mom made mostly easy casserole dishes that take just a few minutes to prepare. As a child, I hated a lot of those dishes!  So this week I decided tyuck.jpgo make Lee the dish my Mom made that I hated the most. I have never made this dish, but knew it was a standard weekday dinner in my house. The recipe came from a Campbell’s Soup Can (here it is) and involves making elbow macaroni, then mixing the macaroni with browned chopmeat and onion, tomato sauce and corn. Ugghhh so gross – I didn’t eat any of it because memories of the meal that was prepared over and over came back to me.  And Lee….as predicted loved it which of course we joked and laughed about for hours. Lee claims that his mother didn’t make casseroles so he really likes them.


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